Elinor O’Donovan

The Immeasurable Grief of the Prawn

2023, 4k video, colour sound, 12 min

Project supported by the Arts Council of Ireland Visual Arts Bursary Award (2022), and Culture Moves Europe Individual Mobility Funding (2023).
Commissioned by GeneratorProjects, Dundee, for solo show (2023). 

Director of Photography: Jack Desmond
Music: Conor Soltan
Sound: Cian Desmond
Costume Design: Jack Rogers
Production Assistant: Iryna Melnychuk
Additional sound: Oliver John Cameron
Performers: Louise O’Meara, Marie O’Donovan, Ross O’Donoghue, Daragh Twomey, Aoife Commons,
Michael O’Donovan, Ferdia Hickey, Michael Louis Kennedy, Caitlin A. Kearney, Chloe Farquhar

elinor.odonovan (at) hotmail.com